Calculations of the costs of having analyses done inhouse can be made and not infrequently they leads to the result that it is more profitable to outsource the analyses. It might be a good strategy to focus on the production and let others perform the analysis work. The outsourcing can be made with the stroke of a pen, but a subsequent insourcing requires much more. Therefore, it is important to be very thorough in its assessment of the company you outsource to, that the contracts are concise, that the company also possess the stated capabilities and that you have an alternative exit strategy if something goes wrong. It is important to be aware of the fact, that the relationship between your company and a contract laboratory is asymmetric in nature. Their main area of business may be to be involved in outsourcing processes, your business may need only to participate in an outsourcing process once.
Like most would not dream of signing a deed without a lawyer one should not undertake outsourcing without having had independent advisors to challenge the entire process. Unlike other outsourcing advisors Chemistry Consulting offer advice that goes into the details and assesses the capacity of the company is being outsourced to. We take the time to go into detail and ensure that the best possible basis is present for a successful outsourcing.
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