We offer this service to companies, who often have chemical expertise but either lacks the time or of the right type of skills for the task. One of our strengths is that we are able to put together a team of consultants with exactly the skills that are necessary for a given task
The consultants will typically have quite different backgrounds, so that all aspects are covered. Our offer includes Project management expertise in method development, materials development, energy, Chemical IT, analytical chemistry, manufacturing, and pilot.
Companies who believe that they do not have enough employees to solve a given task can also buy a consultant for a period of time there by reducing the workload for existing employees.
Our consultants can (unless otherwise agreed) all hold with an hour's notice without additional cost to the customer.
Chemistry Consulting have acces to a range of different laboratory facilities that could be used if your company lacks the space. Often, it is more cost effective this way as we utilize consultants' time optimally in laboratories or at the computer instead of on the road.
Øverødvej 68B, Holte - Tlf.: +45 42 41 29 29 - Contact us